Research Director
Dr. Gaetan Chevalier received his Ph.D. in Engineering Physics at the University of Montreal, Polytechnic School, where he worked on the first measurements of the nuclear magnetic dipole and quadrupole moments of the 91Zr isotope. He then became a Post-Doctoral Scholar at the “Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique” (National Scientific Research Institute) in Varennes, Canada, where he developed carbon probes to measure neutral particle flux on the inner walls of the “Tokamac de Varennes.” Gaetan relocated to UCLA, where he first worked as a Post-Doctoral Scholar in the PISCES group of the M.A.N.E. (Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering) Department. He later became a staff member of the Low Energy Plasma Group of the Electrical Engineering Department. He was also Director of Research at the California Institute for Human Science.