“Psy-Tek Labs is dedicated to propelling energy medicine forward through forward-looking devices, preventive care assessments and key information to enhance health and wellness.”
“Psy-Tek Labs is dedicated to propelling energy medicine forward through forward-looking devices, preventive care assessments and key information to enhance health and wellness.”
PSORIASIS. MORE THAN SKIN DEEP. What causes psoriasis? Over 8 million Americans have psoriasis; nearly a third of whom will develop psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease (a disease with an unclear cause that is characterized by inflammation resulting from…
WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT WHEN SUNBATHING? What to Know to Stay Safe This Summer. The widespread perception that a tan is healthy and beautiful has led many people to actively seek tanning, and expose their skin to excessive levels…
HOW TO MANAGE GOOD BREAST HEALTH What Do Lumps in My Breast Mean? Many conditions can cause lumps in the breast, including cancer. Yet, most breast lumps are actually caused by other medical conditions. The two most common causes of…
HOW TO RECOGNIZE AND PREVENT A DEADLY STROKE A stroke, sometimes called a brain attack, occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is blocked or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. When brain cells are…